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Registration infos


The tournament is open to all skill levels and you may register as part of an existing team or as an individual looking to join a team.

The comitee will fill the teams with free agents to reach 11 players.

After a round robin, there will be 3 divisions :

Division B:

Advanced/Competitive Level – Very skilled hockey players who play at a high level. Often these are people who played hockey since they were young. Generally, these players have organized/coached hockey experience and a complete understanding of the rules of play. These players have great stick handling skills and can confidently skate both forwards and backwards with ease.

Division C:

Intermediate Level – Players typically have some organized/coached experience, and have a good understanding of the rules of play. Players have average stick handling skills, are comfortable skating both forwards and backwards, and can easily perform a “hockey stop”.

Division D:

Beginner/Novice Level – Players typically have 1-3 years experience of skating. Players should be comfortable skating forwards and performing a “hockey stop”, but likely have work to do on their backwards skating, stickhandling, and shooting skills.

We always get many free agents registration. Feel free to communicate with us to get the list.


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